30 June 2006

Oh Dot, i'm so happy! Your dad came over and fixed the shower while i was at work today. Huzzah, no more pommy-washing for me! To celebrate, i thought i'd share a picture with you, and the internet, of me enjoying my red hot steamy shower for the first time in THREE DAYS. Shower, i'll never take you for granted again! Waaaaah, i'm so happy!


Steph said...

Phwooarr! You's hawwt!

audrey said...

I tried to drunkenly post a comment the other night but obviously it didn't work....

it basically said that if that is you in the shower, please stop talking about how you're fat because you are a hot mumba jumba.

Mars said...

Sadly, not my shower. And not my body.

S'pose i should have done a disclaimer, huh?