13 February 2008

I saw this rad wall...

And that rad castle...

And then i ate some pudding from a can... which was foul. Now my life is ruined.


jiminycricket said...

Ha. That's.... bodacious.
Also, was the pudding called 'Spotted Dick'? I found a tinned pudding at the offy called 'Spotted Dick' I bought it and it's displayed on our loungeroom shelf. A tin of spotted dick. Rad.

Mars said...

nah... it was some butterscotch pudding. you see, unlike you JC... i bought my pudding with the actual intention of eating the thing, not just displaying it on my mantle!!

Mex said...

what in gods name were you thinking when you PURCHASED, WILLINGLY, butterscotch pudding in a CAN?

Mars said...

'hmmm might be yum'...

non-Blondie said...


That's what Jiminys talking about. It is a splendid ornament.

Since you trust tinned puddings, do you remember a tinned butterscotch pudding from Australia that was the tasiest moist delight? (Sorry that sounds so...serial rapist-ish). I'm sure I didn't just dream it...

Mars said...

yeah it was exactly like that, but butterscotch! i found it in sainsbury's or somewhere. and no, i haven't really experienced much in the world of 'tinned puddings'... back home i used to like those self saucing puddings, you know the ones? you'd get them in a packet... they were pretty good, as pudding goes.