11 January 2007


now i've been invited to the bloody hen's party.



actonb said...

If it's a cool and funky pamper-y type hens night, eg the one OMel went to the other weekend, then this is a Good Thing. If, however, it's held at a 'Comedy Restaurant' like one I attended a number of years ago, then I'd pike. Bigtime. Invent a pressing excuse to stay home and watch bad tv.

Mars said...

it's at a winery. that means it's going to be for A WHOLE DAY. if it was a night out, it'd be better and i might consider going.
is the fact that it's my birthday 2 days later good enough?

Enny said...

If you go the hens day and seem like you were actually wanting to go the wedding, you could skip out with less guilt...

actonb said...

oh. So you would be trapped for a whole entire day with people you don't know? I say pike. For sure. Don't you need to 'tidy the house' for when Dot gets home...?

Chesty LaRue said...

Ok. I have a confession: I have never ever been to a hens night.

So, I think you should go. And blog about it. So I know that I'm not missing anything major.

Selfish to the end, me.

Mars said...

there is a 97% chance i'm not going to this hen's business. i wont know anyone except perhaps my dads wife.. and i choose not to spend the day with her, despite the fact that i really have nothing against the bride.

and dot as an excuse is no good. she's home in a couple of weeks and the hen thing is next month.

also, hens night as such are completely tacky. although, if it's a group of friends that you actually know, and you're just going out for the night, it could be fun. but they're all theatre restaurant/stripper type events which are totally gross/boring.

redcap said...

Ooh, sounds ugly. I'd be finding a pressing reason to be out of the country that day (ie, hiding under the doona).

Mex said...

dont go if you dont want to. surely the wedding is good enough because at least you have better chances of picking up/getting trashed and leaving to go to more fun places/meeting new and fun people like Aunty Mabel/possibly getting felt up 'out the back' by a waiter/dj/groomsman/non-descript wedding attendee.

if you go to the hens night you will be surrounded by a pack of screaming banshee women who will do nothing but bang on about their own weddings or husbands or hens parties. and you will be stuck in buttfuck idaho victorian winery somewhere and possibly pissed as well.

Amanda said...

Mars, you're turning into our very own Bridget Jones. I love it.

I can absolutely empathise with the 'single person surrounded by all the couples' horror. Its painful.

I think you should take that 97% chance you're not going, and turn it into 100%. No way you'd be getting me to some god awful winery, all day, with women I don't know. The only acceptable hen's night is one where only close friends are invited, and something fun must be done. Winerys are not fun (when surrounded by a mob of irritating strangers).

Adam said...

You'll make friends at the hen's night/day and then you'll know people at the wedding.