Question time!...with Mars
Yo. How does The Internet (yes, you) feel about stalking people from primary school, finding them on myspace, flickr and other published writings after you've googled their name, their bother, mother, father and cat's name... and also their old address? You've also looked through all (and i do mean
all) their myspace friends looking for photos of the stalked as they have their own setting to 'private' (extremely annoying setting which should not be allowed).
Should one, then, after
all that add said stalked to their myspace freinds? Keeping in mind that the stalked
may be a
little surprised to hear from you after say... 10 years and you
may become geek-laughing-stock of old highschool friends. Although.. not so much friends as people you were in the same year level as.
Also keep in mind that the stalked is now a lesbian. Which makes me want to stalk her even more, to be honest... just cause i don't have any actual lesbian friends. As such.
Please, your opnion.