12 May 2008

Desperately trying to fend off Monday at this point... i'm a bottle of wine down and a little bit peckish.

Gordon Ramsey; i am not.

Umm... just set my kitchen on fire.

Send halp.


kiki said...

you started a fire cooking breakfast>?

Femikneesm said...

Any damage? Did you manage to eat anything?

Mars said...

keeks... who's time zone should we keep the blog in; mine or dot's? yeah, we didn't know either so we just kept it oz time. it was about 10.30pm for me though, just fyi.

fem... the oven is fucked. and yes, i was grilling a burger which caught on fire... it was bunred on one side but i just kinda cut it in half and chucked it in the microwave to cook the other side. it was pretty gross but i just covered it in sauce.

Original Mel said...

Keeks, I was more impressed that she was a bottle of wine down before breakfast.

Mars said...

^ it's never out of the question...

kiki said...

your time Marsopan
NOT cause i like you. GMT
you know?

kiki said...

you know there is an option where you can change the time when you are posting

it's really, really easy