30 November 2008

Dear Melbourne,
As much as i love Manchester...

Sometimes i really miss you...


Don't go changing...

Love Marsy


Mex said...

oh mars youre such a sentimental git!

Columbo said...


the second photo isn't Manchester, is it?

Mars said...

git lol. you are etc.

and c-bo, i can see how you would think that the 2nd pic would be manc, but no - they'll all of melbs.

kiki said...

the one of the beach isn't really melbourne either

Mars said...

well, it is. it was taken up at arthur's seat and if you enlarge it, keith, you will see that you can actually see the city. the city of melbourne.

do one!

kiki said...

yeah, really good shot of melbourne that one... you can barely see it